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dc.contributor.authorMuraleedharan, P.M.
dc.contributor.authorPankajakshan, T.
dc.contributor.authorHarikrishnan, M.
dc.identifier.citationCurrent Science, vol.87(3), 370-376p.
dc.description.abstractSea surface temperature (SST), sea surface wind speed (WS) and columnar water vapour (WV) derived from Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) sensor on-board IRS-P4 (Oceansat-1) were validated against the in situ measurements from ship, moored buoy (MB), drifting buoy (DB) and autonomous weather station (AWS). About 1400 satellite in situ match-ups were used for the validation of SST and WS, while only 60 match-ups were available for the validation of WV. Therefore specific humidity, Q sub(a) was used as a proxy for validating WV. The drifting buoy SSTs showed good correlation with the satellite values (r = 0.84). The correlation of MB SSTs was better during night when the WS varied between 0 and 10 m/s. During the day, correlation peaked for higher wind speeds (greater than 10 m/s). MB (r is greater than 0.80) was relatively better than AWS (r approx. 0.70) and ship (r is less than 0.50) for validating satellite-derived WS. Daytime winds exhibited better correlation with satellite values when measured from ocean platforms (MB and ship), but the winds measured from land-based platforms (AWS) were closer to satellite values during nighttime. Q sub(a) values consistently showed higher correlation with satellite values during nighttime. The low root mean square deviation (RMSD) of DB SST (1.17 degrees C) and MB WS (1.52 m s sup(-1)) is within the achievable accuracy of the microwave sensor when validated with data collected over the tropical Indian Ocean. The RMSD of Q sub(a) (1.81 g kg sup(-1)), however, falls much beyond the attainable accuracy of the microwave sensor.
dc.format.extent647168 bytes
dc.publisherIndian Academy of Sciences
dc.subjectIndian Ocean
dc.subjectSea surface temperature
dc.subjectmoored buoy
dc.subjectmicrowave sensor
dc.titleValidation of multi-channel scanning microwave radiometer on-board Oceansat-1
dc.typeJournal Article

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