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dc.contributor.authorAshokKumar, K.
dc.contributor.authorDiwan, S.G.
dc.identifier.citation4 Indian Conf. on Ocean Engineering, 4-6 September, 1991, NIO, Goa, 197-201p.
dc.description.abstractAanderaa Weather Station can be installed at unattended remote places for collection of various weather parameters at regular preselected intervals. The weather parameters are recorded on the magnetic spool inside a battery operated datalogger which is housed in an aluminium box, placed on the ground level. As the recording station is supposed to operate unattended for a long duration of time, a need arose to check quality of data periodically. Hence a datalogger was interfaced to a microcomputer. The scheme adopted to compute the weather parameters instantaneously which can be displayed or printed, or stored on the data cartridge at user's wish is described
dc.publisherNIO, Goa
dc.rightsCopyright [1991]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.titleOn-line data acquisition system for Aanderaa weather station
dc.typeConference Article

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