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dc.contributor.authorRay, Dwijesh
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, R.
dc.contributor.authorIyer, S.D.
dc.contributor.authorMukhopadhyay, S.
dc.identifier.citationCurrent Science, vol.97(8); 1239-1243
dc.description.abstractSerpentinites and serpentinized harzburgites were collected from a ridge-transform intersection at 6 ddgrees 39 minutes S-68 degrees 19 minutes E from the Northern Central Indian Ridge. The degree of serpentinization is extensive and varies from 90 to 100%. Olivine and orthopyroxene are largely pseudomorphed to lizardite-chrysotile ‘mesh’ and ‘bastite’ respectively. Numerous serpentine vein network associated with clusters of magnetite are also present. On the basis of mineralogical paragenesis, mineral chemistry and bulk rock analyses, we infer that the present serpentinites might have formed due to the interaction of harzburgites and seawater at a low temperature. Additionally, positive Eu anomaly, higher La/Sm and low Nb/La ratios suggest substantial hydrothermal input during the onset of serpentinization
dc.publisherCurrent Science Association
dc.rightsAll efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectHydrothermal alteration
dc.subjectmid-oceanic ridge
dc.subjectNorthern Central Indian Ridge
dc.subjectseawater– rock interaction
dc.titleEvidences for seawater-rock hydrothermal interaction in the serpentinites from Northern Central Indian Ridge
dc.typeJournal Article

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