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dc.contributor.authorSarma, N.S.
dc.contributor.authorKrishna, M.S.
dc.contributor.authorPasha, Sk.G.
dc.contributor.authorRao, T.S.P.
dc.contributor.authorVenkateswarlu, Y.
dc.contributor.authorParameswaran, P.S.
dc.identifier.citationChemical Reviews, vol.109(6); 2803-2828
dc.description.abstractSterols constitute a major group of secondary metabolites of soft corals. Several of these compounds have the 'usual' 3 beta-hydroxy, delta sup(5) (or delta sup(0)) cholestane skeleton, a large number of these metabolites are polar sterols with multiple oxygenations in rings as well as side chains. The latter compounds are structurally similar to some of the steroidal hormones, bile acids, signaling agents, etc., with potential therapeutic applications in the fields of cancer, atherosclerosis, and other diseases. The present review lists 561 structurally diverse sterols of marine soft coral origin and attempts to codify their structural types. This will help in chemotaxonomic investigations of these organisms and stimulate biochemists to look for useful enzymes for conversion of normal sterols into biologically useful derivatives.
dc.publisherAmerican Chemical Society
dc.rights© 2009 American Chemical Society. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectmarine invertebrates
dc.subjectchemical extraction
dc.titleMarine metabolites: The sterols of soft coral
dc.typeJournal Article

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