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dc.contributor.authorKrishna, K.S.
dc.contributor.authorChaubey, A.K.
dc.contributor.authorRao, D.G.
dc.contributor.authorReddy, P.R.
dc.identifier.citationIn "Seismic imaging of the Indian continental and oceanic crust. Reddy, P.R.(NGRI Golden Jubilee; 1)". Professional Books; Hyderabad; India; 324-432.
dc.description.abstractIn this chapter we have discussed and synthesized the last 15 years marine geophysical research work on Indian continental margins and adjoining oceanic regions carried out at National Institute of Oceanography, Goa India). The document describes some basic fundamental information pertinent to the marine geophysical aspects required for the understanding of the evolution of the continental margins, basins, aseismic ridges, etc. Geological aspects related to the rifting and drifting of Indian continent from East Antarctica and subsequent detachments of Madagascar, Seychelles and Elan Bank micro-continents from India are comprehensively discussed. Evolution of Ninetyeast, Laccadive and 85 degrees E ridges, and nature of the crust beneath the Laxmi and Laccadive basins are also discussed in detail. In addition we have discussed the structural style of deformation in the central Indian Ocean and the process that led to the breakup of large Indo-Australian plate into three component plate system such as Indian, Australian, and Capricorn plates. The chapter also includes enormous illustrations presenting the geophysical data, crustal structures and evolutionary models. This is a good reference document for the geophysics students, early researchers, teachers, exploration geophysicists, etc.
dc.publisherProfessional Books
dc.rightsCopyright [2010]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectSeismic structure
dc.subjectcontinental margins
dc.subjectaseismic ridges
dc.subjectIndian Ocean
dc.titleSeismic structure and tectonics of the continental margins of India
dc.typeBook Chapter

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