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dc.contributor.authorPadmakumar, K.G.
dc.contributor.authorBindu, L.
dc.contributor.authorBasheer, V.S.
dc.contributor.authorGopalakrishnan, A.
dc.identifier.citationEnvironmental Biology of Fish, vol.87(4); 297-298
dc.description.abstractStudies are necessary to determine the present distribution and steps to ensure protection of Clarias dussumieri dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1840) (Clariidae) habitats. Also needed are population genetic studies coupled with captive breeding for successful translocation and reintroduction efforts
dc.rightsAn edited version of this paper was published by Springer. Copyright [2010] Springer...It is tried to respect the rights of the copyright holders to the best of the knowledge. If it is brought to our notice that the rights are violated then the item would be withdrawn.
dc.subjectmarine fish
dc.subjectrare species
dc.subjectpopulation genetics
dc.subjectClarias dussumieri
dc.titleThreatened fishes of the world: Clarias dussumieri dussumieri (Valenciennes, 1840) (Clariidae)
dc.typeJournal Article

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