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dc.contributor.authorGujar, A.R.
dc.contributor.authorAngusamy, N.
dc.contributor.authorRajamanickam, G.V.
dc.identifier.citationGeoActa, vol.7; 69-79
dc.description.abstractWave refraction studies were undertaken for the nearshore sediments of four bays, Wada Vetye, Ambolgarh, Rajapur and Vijaydurg along the Konkan coast, Mahamhtra, Central west coast of India, to understand the effect of wave dynamics in sediment redistribution. From the wave refraction patterns, wave convergent zones are identified at Wada Vetye North end, Ambolgarh promontory and vijaydurg southern end, which are marked by strong erosional activities. In contrast, Ambolgarh, Vijaydurg and Wada Vetye bays are dominantly influenced by wave divergent conditions most of the time, leading to the formation of depositional landforms like tombolo at Ambolgarh bay, sand bar at Vijaydurg bay and accumulation of mangroves in the estuarine mouth of Vagotan river. The wave convergent zones are marked by cliffed rocky coastline. Erosional procases by wave convergence at various headlands have led to the deposition of sediiments removed from the promontories in Vijaydurg, Ambalgarh and Wada Vetye bays.
dc.publisherUniversity of Bologna
dc.rightsCopyright [2008]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectWave refraction
dc.subjectsediment redistribution
dc.titleWave refraction patterns and their role in sediment redistribution along South Konkan, Maharashtra, India
dc.typeJournal Article

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