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dc.contributor.advisorVethamony, P.
dc.contributor.authorAboobacker, V.M.
dc.identifier.citationPh.D. thesis, Goa University; xxi+ 183pp.
dc.description.abstractInfluence of sea breeze on wind sea generation along the west coast of India is dominant during premonsoon season. The superimposition of these wind seas with pre-existing swells results in complex sea states, which makes the sea-faring more difficult than a single wave system. Generation and propagation of the multi-directional swells in the Arabian Sea, especially during pre-monsoon and NE monsoon seasons, their interaction with local wind seas along the west coast of India and their transformation at nearshore regions are a few scientific problems which find applications in the areas mentioned elsewhere. In this background, objectives of the present study are framed as follows: i) understanding the wave generation and propagation processes in the select nearshore regions along the Indian coast through measured data. ii) validation of wave modelling results of deep and shallow waters using measurements and remote sensing data iii) to study the interaction between pre-existing swells and wind seas generated by coastal winds iv) prediction of wave transformation along the select Indian coasts using high resolution winds such as MM5.
dc.rightsThe work is carried out at National Institute of Oceanography (CSIR), Goa, India
dc.subjectWind wave generation
dc.subjectSeasonal variations
dc.subjectWave propagation
dc.subjectMathematical models
dc.subjectShamal swells
dc.subjectWave predicting
dc.subjectMM5 model
dc.subjectBengal Bay
dc.subjectArabian Sea
dc.subjectIndia, West coast
dc.subjectIndia, East coast
dc.titleWave transformation at select locations along the Indian coast through measurements, modelling and remote sensing

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