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dc.contributor.authorNakamura, T.
dc.contributor.authorOgawa, H.
dc.contributor.authorDileepKumar, M.
dc.contributor.authorUematsu, M.
dc.identifier.citationAtmospheric Environment, vol.40(37), 7259–7264p.
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents information on concentrations, size distributions, geographical distributions and sources of water-soluble organic nitrogen (ONws) in aerosols over the East China Sea and western North Pacific to understand its impact on the atmospheric processes and the oceanic ecosystems in the autumn and spring in the East Asian region. Results revealed ONws contributions to the total nitrogen in aerosols to be ~ 24% and ~ 10% over the East China Sea in the autumn and the spring, respectively. The particulate ONws mainly existed in fine sized particles. Gas to particle conversion may be the major formation process for ONws. Occurrence of particulate ONws in both fine and coarse modes during the Kosa event suggests gaseous ON adsorption and/ or adhesion to the coarse mode mineral. This behavior of ONws is unique whereas NH4+ occurred dominantly in fine mode and NO3- in coarse mode.
dc.format.extent225880 bytes
dc.rightsAn edited version of this paper was published by Elsevier. Copyright [2006] Elsevier
dc.titleContribution of water soluble organic nitrogen to total nitrogen in marine aerosols over the East China Sea and western North Pacific
dc.typeJournal Article

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