Shelf edge regime and foraminifera off Pondicherry, Bay of Bengal
Occurrence of @iGloborotalia menardii neoflexuosa, Globoquadrina conglomerata@@ and @iNeogloboquadrina pachyderma dextralis typica@@ in the sediments is significant, as these are also reported from the Arabian Sea earlier, and further as they are reported to be 'extinct' in the present day Atlantic. Similarly, the presence of @iRotalia nicobarensis@@ and @iTriloculina tricarinata@@ is significant as they are known to occur since the Miocene time. Relative abundance of such robust forms as @iAmphistegina, Borelis, Operculina, Operculinoides@@, the Peneroplidae, and the Miliolidae may be due, in part, to their survival over long periods of time and also to their continued existence even today. Some species have a wider range of distribution extending from shallower to upper bathyal zones. The faunal elements suggest an Indo-Pacific and East African relationship
- Scholarly literature [9000]