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dc.contributor.authorNaidu, P.D.
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of Second National Conference on Dock and Harbour Engineering, IIT Madras, India. vol.1; 1987; 344-348
dc.description.abstractDetailed surveys comprising of echosounding and subbottom profiling followed by sea bed sampling were carried out in the creek off Dabhol to know the surficial and subsurface geology of the area for suggesting alignment of the approach channel route. The bathymetric surveys have shown that the water depths in the area surveyed varies from 1.5 to 18 m. The sea bed in large part of the area is even and gently sloping. The shallow seismic profiles show three prominent reflectors at depths of 5, 7 and 9 m. The surficial sediment distribution pattern indicated the presence of sands on the sand bar and on either side of the bar, while clayey sand occurs offshore of the sand bar. The isopach map shows that the sediment thickness ranges between 8 and 26 m. Maximum thickness occurs at 1.5 m water depth on the north eastern side of the sand bar and the minimum being at 12 m water depth off Anjavel Bay. Based on these results an area of least sediment thickness associated with deeper water has been suggested to facilitate optimum dredging for the proposed approach channel
dc.relation.isbasedon2nd National Conference Dock and Harbour Engineering, IIT Madras, India
dc.subjectGeology and Geophysics
dc.subject.otherSeismic Profiles
dc.subject.otherBathymetric Surveys
dc.subject.otherSub-Bottom Profiling
dc.subject.otherSeismic Exploration
dc.subject.otherISW, India, Maharashtra, Dabhol
dc.titleShallow seismic surveys at Dabhol minor port in Maharashtra
dc.typeConference Article

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