Vitamin B 12 concentrations in Mandovi and Zuari estuaries
Bioassay method using @iCyclotella nana@@ (clone 13) was employed for the estimation of Vitamin B@d12@@ in Mandovi and Zuari estuaries. At the mouth of the Mandovi estuary, B@d12@@ concentration varied between 0.38 and 7.0 ng/l in surface water and between 0.12 and 0.49 ng/l in bottom samples. Near the head of the estuary, the variation in B@d12@@ concentration was from nil to 2.47 ng/l. Relatively lower concentration was observed (0.20 to 1.06 ng/l) at the head of this estuary. Various probable factors that influence the concentration of vitamin B@d12@@ are discussed
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