Pollution of the seas around India
The state of marine pollution along the 7000 km long coastline and 2.015 x 106km exclusive economic zone of India is summarized. The coastal water receives 4.1 km3 of domestic sewage and 0.41 km3 of industrial wastes. Nearly 447 million tonnes of oil and its products are transported through the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal with the result that some of our coastal areas particularly adjoining the large cities are getting polluted. Increased eutrophication and decrease in dissolved oxygen associated with the generation of toxic hydrogen sulphide have been observed at several places. Heavy metal concentrations are largely within the acceptable limits in water and in biota excepting in a few areas. Organochlorine and pesticides residues have often been found to be high in zooplankton and in the sediments near the confluence of the river and the sea, indicating their land origin. Oil pollution is a chronic problem in the northern Indian Ocean. Several of the endangered ecosystems have now been offered protection by declaring them as marine parks. It is recommended that to maintain coastal waters clean, wise and judicious use of the ocean must form and integral part of our planning.
- Scholarly literature [9000]