Marine algal flora of submerged Angria Bank (Arabian Sea)
Submerged Angria Bank was surveyed for the deep water marine algal flora. About 57 species were reported from this bank for the first time. Rhodophyta dominated (30 species) followed by Chlorophyta (18 species) and Phaeophyta (9 species). A few species like Valonia ventricosa, Halimela discoidea, Galaxaura marginata, G.lapidescens, G.lenta, Hypnea pannosa, Botryocladia skottsbergii, Antihamnion sp., Acanthophora muscoides, Laurencia paniculata and Dictyurus purpurescens were the first records form the west coast of India. Other genera like Codium, Microdictyon, Dictyopteris, Dictyota, Sargassum, Galaxaura, Asparagopsis, Acanthophora and Laurencia were predominant at the Angria Bank
- Scholarly literature [9018]