Land use/land cover changes around Rameshwaram Island, east coast of India
Land-use/land cover changes are studied using the Indian Remote Sensing satellite (IRS-1C, IRS-6) Linear Image Self-scan Sensor (LISS) III data of 1998 and 2010 Coastal land use categories such as sand, vegetation, coral reef and water have been identified using interpretation key Results of land-use/land cover assessment based on visual interpretation are presented The study indicates water body of 178 and 177 km<sup>2</sup>, sand features of 32 and 32 km<sup>2</sup>, vegetation of 28 and 35 km<sup>2</sup> and coral reef of 5 and 6 km<sup>2</sup> respectively Significant reduction in coral reef and increase in vegetation land reveal the interference on the natural environment.
- Scholarly literature [9000]