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dc.contributor.authorPankajakshan, T.
dc.identifier.citationMETOC - 2007. Proceedings of the National Symposium on 'Emerging Tredns in Meteorology and Oceanography', 21-22 May 2007, eds. Vijayakumar, D.; Jothiraman, V.; Jyothi, A.K.; Satya Prakash; Krishna, M.S.H. 193-201p.
dc.description.abstractThe scope of a Distributed Database Management System (DDMS) with a Centralized Metadata Directory (CMD) is discussed considering the Indian perspectives in ocean data management. The approach presented in the proposed system is capable of dealing with oceanographic data of diverse type and optimizes the efficiency of data query, retrieval and other management aspects. An overview of the present data management that exists at national level is presented and the scope of DDMS with a CMD in managing the national data is examined. The CMD acts as a 'single window' facility to inform the end-users about the national data warehouse. The issues addressed in the context of the oceanographic data management are common for other geophysical parameters as well. Therefore, the concept of a DDMS with a CMD is a feasible system that could be implemented for any other data management as well.
dc.publisherSchool of Naval Oceanology and Meteorology
dc.subjectoceanographic data
dc.subjectdata collections
dc.subjectdata processing
dc.subjectdata storage
dc.subjectinformation retrieval
dc.subjectinformation centres
dc.titleOceanographic data management - A national perspective
dc.typeConference Article

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