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dc.contributor.authorThomas, J.
dc.contributor.authorNaidu, V.S.
dc.contributor.authorPrasad, K.V.S.R.
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Coastal Research, vol.35(2); 2019; Article no: 376
dc.description.abstractComplex tidal progression in creeks and estuaries attract a large number of researchers around the globe. The main motive of the present work is to study the complex tidal variation of Thane Creek and the Ulhas estuary on the west coast of India. A Delft3D model was applied to simulate its depth-averaged hydrodynamics and tidal propagation along the system, and the calibration and validation of this model revealed its accuracy. The system was classified as hyposynchronous; a gradual decrease in the amplitude was noticed from mouth to upstream in all seasons. The interpretation of the major tidal constituents amplitude and phase, shallow water constituents, form number, and tidal asymmetry showed the dynamic nature of the system. The form number results revealed that the tide in Thane Creek and the Ulhas estuary is mixed semidiurnal. The tidal asymmetry parameter indicated a seasonal variation of ebb and flood current in Thane Creek and the Ulhas estuary, which favors sedimentation processes in the system with consequent erosion and deposition. For the future, these results will help in understanding sediment transport and the corresponding shoreline changes and the biogeochemical processes of this dynamic system and help to establish its sustainability
dc.publisherCoastal Education and Research Foundation, USA
dc.titleNumerical Simulation of Tidal Constituents in Thane Creek and the Ulhas Estuary, West Coast of India
dc.typeJournal Article
dc.affiliation.authorCSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India

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