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dc.contributor.authorSavio, J.J.
dc.contributor.authorYatheesh, V.
dc.contributor.authorBijesh, C.M.
dc.contributor.authorMahender, K.
dc.contributor.authorAswini, K.K.
dc.contributor.authorBadesab, F.K.
dc.contributor.authorShuhail, M.
dc.contributor.authorSriram, G.
dc.contributor.authorTwinkle, D.
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Raj
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol.262; 2024; Article no: 105977
dc.descriptionIF(JCR2023) = 3
dc.description.abstractThe Laxmi Basin, which is a deep ocean basin situating adjoining to the northwestern continental margin of India, contains a linear seamount chain consisting of the Raman Seamount, Panikkar Seamount and the Wadia Guyot, located over the axial basement high in the Laxmi Basin representing the Panikkar Ridge. The geomorphology of this seamount chain was studied by earlier researchers; however, its characteristic geophysical signatures, possible genesis and age of formation remains to be clearly established. We attempted for a detailed understanding of the morphological characteristics and the geophysical signatures over the spatial extent of these seamounts using a fresh set of multibeam bathymetry data and sea-surface gravity and magnetic anomalies, complemented by the existing seismic reflection sections. Based on the seafloor and basement topography signatures observed together from the multibeam bathymetry data and the seismic reflection sections, we infer that all the three seamounts are associated with the presence of surface/subsurface secondary peaks on their central parts. The free-air gravity anomaly maps show that the seamounts are associated with a very short wavelength gravity high, superimposed on the short wavelength gravity low representing the Panikkar Ridge. The magnetic anomaly maps suggest that all these seamounts are associated with complex magnetic signatures. Based on the presence of morphological features that are generally associated with the volcanic activity and by considering the above complex geophysical signatures and the updated magnetic isochron map of the Laxmi Basin, we support multiphased volcanic origin for the Raman-Panikkar-Wadia seamount chain, emplaced at an age younger to 63.28 Ma.
dc.rightsOnly the author version of the copright reserved papers uploaded. Contact for any complaints regarding copyright violations
dc.titleMorphotectonics of the Raman-Panikkar-Wadia seamount chain in the Laxmi Basin, Eastern Arabian Sea
dc.typeJournal Article
dc.affiliation.authorCSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India

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