Zooplankton Methodology, Collection & identyification - A field manual
Zooplankton encompass an array of macro and microscopic animals and comprise representatives of almost all major taxa particularly the invertebrates. They play a vital role in the marine food chain. The herbivorous zooplankton feed on phytoplankton and in turn constitute an important food item to animals in higher trophic level including fish. The pelagic fishes such as sardines, mackerels and silver bellies consume mostly the plankton. The occurrence and abundance of ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and fish larvae) facilitate the location of probable spawning and nursery ground of fishes. The zooplankton are ubiquitous. The most characteristic feature is their variability over space and time in any aquatic ecosystem. The success of zooplankton estimation and productivity would largely depend upon the use of correct methodology which involves collection of samples, fixation, preservation, analysis and computation of data. The detailed procedures on all these aspects are given in this manual.
- Scholarly literature [9000]