Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Plastic pellets on the Caranzalem beach sands, Goa, India
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1982)
Postmonsoonal survey of Caranzalem beach, Goa, India indicated the presence of plastic pellets. These pellets varied in shape, size and number, and are considered to be contaminants of marine environment
Total mercury in water, sediments, and animals along the Indian Coast
(Elsevier, 1988)
Total mercury (Hg) in water, sediments and animals along the coast of India is estimated. Water samples were collected on board of R.V. Gaveshani.The zooplankton samples were collected by Indian Ocean Standard Net and Heron ...
On the water quality of selected environments along Bombay coast
(Indian Fisheries Association, 1985)
Water quality of three stations representing polluted (Sts. B & S) and relatively unpolluted (St. M) areas along the coast of Bombay was studied during March 1981 to May 1982. Stations B & S were characterised by relatively ...
Benthic foraminifera as pollution indices in the marine environment of west coast of India
(Universita' degli Studi di Milano, 1984)
Two ecosystems affected by acidic pollutants (Thana Creek, Bombay and inshore area of Trivandrum, Kerala) and two other ecosystems affected by alkaline pollutants (Cola Bay, Goa and inshore area of Karwar, Karnataka) were ...
Physical factors related to the marine disposal of industrial effluents off Pondicherry
(Scientific Publishers, 1984)
Field studies were carried out during February and April, 1981 to collect the environmental data on the physical characteristics of the coastal waters and the sea bottom off Pondicherry, required for the planning and design ...
Some studies on tar pillets at Veraval coast (Gujarat)
(Indian Association for Limnology and Oceanography, 1988)
Infrared spectroscopic (IR) analysis indicated that the tar pillets contain saturated hydrocarbons particularly higher homologues of n-paraffins, unsaturated and carbonyl type of polar compounds. Gas chromatographic (GLC) ...
Chlorinated pesticide residues in sediments from the Arabian Sea along the Central West coast of India
(Springer, 1987)
Environmental contamination by persistent chlorinated pesticides has evoked major concern due to the presence of their residues in the environment. The quantitative distribution of chlorinated pesticides residues in the ...
Pollution of the seas around India
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1988)
The state of marine pollution along the 7000 km long coastline and 2.015 x 106km exclusive economic zone of India is summarized. The coastal water receives 4.1 km3 of domestic sewage and 0.41 km3 of industrial wastes. ...
DDT residues in sediments from the Bay of Bengal
(Springer, 1988)
DDT is one of the organochlorine compounds characterised by its stability for long periods in the environment leading to marked changes in the aquatic ecosystem. This work aims to assess the prevailing levels of DDT and ...
Dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons along the oil tanker route in the southern Bay of Bengal
Concentrations of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons during 3 cruises (Nos. 51, 66 and 68) of R V Gaveshani, along the oil tanker route, in the southern Bay of Bengal at 0, 10 and 20 m were 19.95 + or - 3.38, 16.78 + or - ...