Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Distribution of organic carbon in sediments from the Arabian Sea
Many earlier studies on the distribution of organic carbon in the Arabian Sea, sediments have projected contradictory opinions on the factors favouring accumulation and preservation of organic carbon in the Arabian Sea. ...
Denitrification processes in the Arabian Sea
(Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1994)
Recent information on some consequences of the acute mid-water oxygen deficiency in the Arabian Sea, especially on carbon-nitrogen cycling, is reviewed. An evaluation of published estimates of water column denitrification ...
Rabin Sen Gupta - A biography
(Elsevier, 1994)
Regionally variable chemistry, auto-heterotrophic coupling and vertical carbon flux in the northwestern Indian Ocean: A case study for biochemical pump
Large scale regional differences in surface productivity as well as water column chemistry exist in the Arabian Sea environment in north-south direction. The available primary productivity data are incorporated into existing ...
Chemical absorption of acoustic energy due to an eddy in the western Bay of Bengal
(Ultrasonics Society of India, 1994)
Acoustic energy losses due to chemical absorption, within the western Bay of Bengal, in the presence of a subsurface meso-scale cold core eddy has been analysed. These estimates, for two different frequencies - 400 Hz and ...
A study of the carbon dioxide system in the northern Indian Ocean during premonsoon
(Elsevier, 1994)
Extensive data sets on the carbon dioxide system in the northern Indian Ocean have been obtained during the premonsoon season. A marked increase (~50 ~kM) in the total carbon dioxide (TCO@d2@@) content is observedin deep ...
Nitrous oxide in the western Bay of Bengal
(Elsevier, 1994)
Extensive observations on nitrous oxide (N@d2@@O) in the atmosphere and waters of the western Bay of Bengal during March-April 1991 yield surface saturations and atmospheric fluxes ranging from 89.3 to 213.9% (mean 125.2%), ...
Pollution induced tidal variability in water quality of Mahim Estuary
(Muzaffarnagar: Society of Biosciences, 1994)
Variability of water quality due to release of wastewater in Mahim Estuary (Maharashtra, India) and associated nearshore waters is discussed. The mixing of low salinity contaminated estuary water with high salinity bay ...
Seasonal variability of the vertical fluxes of Globigerina bulloides (D'Orbigny) in the northern Indian Ocean
(University of Hamburg, 1996)
Settling particles intercepted using time-series sediment traps at seven locations in the northern Indian Ocean have been examined for the spatial and temporal variability in the distribution and fluxes of @iGlobigerina ...
234Th scavenging and particle export fluxes from the upper 100 m of the Arabian Sea
(Current Science Association, 1996)
We have determined the particle scavenging rates, export fluxes of @u234@@Th and settling particles from the upper 100 m of the Arabian Sea as a part of the JGOFS (India) Programme. The spatial and temporal measurements ...