Now showing items 1-10 of 145
Viscous dissipation effects on heat transfer inflow past a continuously moving porous plate
(Mathematical Society of the Banaras Hindu University, 1995)
From Dvaraka to Kurukshetra
(Society for Marine Archaeology, India, 1995)
Abundance of bacterial and diatom fouling on various surfaces
(Indian National Science Academy, 1995)
Abundance of bacterial and diatom fouling on aluminium, fibreglass and stainless steel were studied from Dona Paula waters of the Zuari Estuary. Both these forms were reversibly attached in large numbers to surfaces during ...
Macrobenthos off Mahim (Bombay), west coast of India in relation to coastal pollution and aquaculture
(Indian Fisheries Association, 1995)
Deterioration of water quality clearly indicated a moderate to severe coastal pollution around Mahim whereas a relatively healthy marine environment towards offshore was noticed. Foraminiferans, polychaetes, crustaceans ...
The stochastic inverse method for ocean acoustic tomography studies
(Parjon Information Services, 1995)
Recent foraminifera along west coast of India: Restrospect, perspect and prospect
(Indian Academy of Geoscience, 1995)
An immense quantum of work on foraminifera is being carried out in Indian waters by various research centers and universities. However, a thorough review of the foraminiferal studies from Indian waters is yet to be amde. ...
Estuarine response of fluoride - Investigations in Azhikode Estuary
(Kalpana Corporation, 1995)
Concentrations of fluoride in Azhikode estuarine region (Kerala, India) were measured as a function of chlorinity during the different seasons. The type of behaviour indicated that fluoride was regulated by sea water ...
Phytoplankton ice-edge blooms in the marginal ice zone at Princess Astrid Coast in Antarctica
(Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi, 1995)
Daily variation in sea surface temperature at the ice edge zone in Antarctic polynya during summer from 25th December 1991 to 25th February 1992, showed that the values did not exceed 0 degrees C. Isotherms and isohalines ...
Monsoon-induced temporal changes in beach morphology and associated sediment dynamics, central east coast of India
(Coastal Research Foundation, 1995)