Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Tropical marine ecosystems: The microbial component
(Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1992)
Microbes such as bacteria, fungi and unicellular algae assume greater importance in the tropical marine ecosystems because of their abundance, biomass and activity in a number of chemical and biological processes that ...
Distribution of Oxycephalidae (Hyperiidea-Amphipoda) in the Indian Ocean- A statistical study
(Oxford and IBH, New Delhi, 1992)
Statistical analysis of oxycephalids on coexistence of the species showed two clusters of high affinity in the Arabian Sea, four in the Bay of Bengal, one in the South East Indian Ocean and three in the South West Indian ...
Characteristics of coastal waters of the western Bay of Bengal during different monsoon seasons
(CSIRO, Australia, 1992)
Physical characteristics of waters along the eastern coast of India up to offshore distances of 400 km have been investigated during the seasons of the north-easterly and south-westerly monsoons in light of relevant observed ...
Primary productivity of the Arabian Sea
(Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1992)
Reversal of surface circulation during the monsoons, patchy nutrient distributions and high light intensity drive phytoplankton production processes in the tropical Arabian Sea. Available data are discussed in the light ...