Lipid contents of the sponge Haliclona sp.
Several fatty acids, sterols, batyl alcohol and its analogs and an N-acylated sphingosine (ceramide) have been isolated from the lipid fraction of the extract of the sponge Haliclona sp. The major sterol is found to be cholesterol (54%), followed by 24(28)-didehydroaplysterol (21.2%), 24-ethylcholesterol (3.9%), 24-methylenecholesterol, delta sup(22), 24-methylcholesterol and delta sup(22), 24-ethylcholesterol (latter three together 14.7%). HPLC analysis of the glyceryl ethers of the long chain fatty alcohols lead to the isolation of 16:0 (35.3%, chimyl alcohol), 17:0 (2.45%), 18:0 (15.6%, batyl alcohol, 24:1 (17.25%) and 26:1 (3.54%). The most polar fraction is found to be a mixture of N-acylated sphingosines from which docosoyl ester amide of a dihydroxy sphingosine has been isolated in pure form
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