Now showing items 1201-1220 of 9252

    • The Dynamics of the Southwest Monsoon Current in 2016 from High-Resolution In Situ Observations and Models 

      Webber, B.G.M.; Matthews, A.J.; Vinayachandran, P.N.; Neema, C.P.; Sanchez-Franks, A.; Vijith, V.; Amol, P.; Baranowski, D.B. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The strong stratification of the Bay of Bengal (BoB) causes rapid variations in sea surface temperature (SST) that influence the development of monsoon rainfall systems. This stratification is driven by the salinity ...
    • Marine Macroalgae: Prospective Hitchhikers of Ship Ballast 

      Imchen, T. (ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (COST), 2018)
      Invasive alien species, on successful establishment, can displace native species. The threat of invasive species arises in view of their ability to outcompete and destabilize native biodiversity. Invasive species are found ...
    • Western Pacific Oceanic Heat Content: A Better Predictor of La Ni�a Than of El Ni�o 

      Planton, Y.; Vialard, J.; Guilyardi, E.; Lengaigne, M.; Izumo, T. (John Wiley & Sons, 2018)
      The western equatorial Pacific oceanic heat content (warm water volume in the west or WWVw) is the best El Ni�o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) predictor beyond 1-year lead. Using observations and selected Coupled Model ...
    • Experimental strategies to assess the biological ramifications of multiple drivers of global ocean change-A review 

      Boyd, P.W.; Collins, S.; Dupont, S.; Fabricius, K.; Gattuso, J.-P.; Havenhand, J.; Hutchins, D.A.; Riebesell, U.; Rintoul, M.S.; Vichi, M.; Biswas, H.; Ciotti, A.; Gao, K.; Gehlen, M.; Hurd, C.L.; Kurihara, H.; McGraw, C.M.; Navarro, J.M.; Nilsson, G.E.; Passow, U.; Portner, H.-O. (John Wiley & Sons, 2018)
      Marine life is controlled by multiple physical and chemical drivers and by diverse ecological processes. Many of these oceanic properties are being altered by climate change and other anthropogenic pressures. Hence, ...
    • Phytoplankton community structure in relation to environmental factors from the New Mangalore Port waters along the southwest coast of India 

      Rath, A.R.; Mitbavkar, S.; Anil, A.C. (Springer International Publishing, 2018)
      Seasonal and spatial phytoplankton distribution in relation to environmental factors was investigated in New Mangalore Port, a major port along the west coast of India. A well-mixed water column characterized the non-monsoon ...
    • Biofouling Community Structure in a Tropical Estuary of Goa on the West Coast of India 

      Desai, D.V.; Venkat, K.; Anil, A.C. (ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology (COST), 2018)
      Biofouling community structure was studied in a tropical monsoon-influenced Mandovi estuary in Goa, west coast of India. Monthly, seasonal and yearly observations on biofouling on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) panels immersed ...
    • Morphotectonic characteristics, distribution and probable genesis of bathymetric highs off southwest coast of India 

      Bijesh, C.M.; Kurian, P.J.; Yatheesh, V.; Tyagi, A.; Twinkle, D. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The western continental margin of India and the adjacent deep ocean basins were formed by break-up and separation among India, Seychelles and Madagascar since the Late Cretaceous. The initial India-Madagascar separation ...
    • Identification and functional characterization of antimicrobial peptide from the marine crab Dromia dehaani 

      Anbuchezian, R.; Ravichandran, S.; Rajan, K.D.; Tilivi, S.; PrabhaDevi (Academic Press, 2018)
      Many naturally occurring biologically active compounds are derived from marine organisms. Brachyuran crab Dromia dehaani is also known as sponge crab. Hence, this study was undertaken to isolate and characterize the ...
    • Changing depositional environment and factors controlling the growth of mudflat in a tropical estuary, west coast of India 

      Nayak, G.N.; Volvoikar, S.P.; Hoskatta, T. (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018)
      Mudflats and associated mangroves are most important ecosystems of tropical coastal regions. Mangroves play a very important role in maintaining the environmental balance; thus in addition to mangrove reforestation and ...
    • Assessment of the environmental health of an ecologically sensitive, semi-enclosed, basin - A water quality modelling approach 

      VishnuRadhan, R.; Eldho, T.I.; Vethamony, P.; Saheed, P.P.; Shirodkar, P.V. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Semi-enclosed basins are environmentally dynamic and some of the most anthropogenically affected components of the coastal realm. They can reflect various environmental impacts, thus qualifying as natural laboratories to ...
    • Simulation experiments to elucidate variable fluorescence as a potential proxy for bulk microalgal viability from natural water, sediments and biofilms: Implication in ships ballast water management 

      Patil, J.S.; Anil, A.C. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The variable fluorescence fluorometry measuring microalgal biomass (initial fluorescence - F0, a chl-a proxy) and photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) has been suggested as a potential tool in ballast-water assessment. In ...
    • Epibiotic communities (microalgae and meiofauna) on the pneumatophores of Avicennia officinalis (L.) 

      Sahoo, G.; Ansari, Z.A.; Shaikh, J.B.; Varik, S.U.; Gauns, M. (Elsevier, 2018)
      In a mangrove environment, several groups of organisms are symbiotically associated with pneumatophores (aerial roots). But whether these organisms are exclusively found in this habitat (uniqueness) or accidentally settled ...
    • Seasonal variations and relationships between environmental parameters and heavy metal concentrations in tissues of Crassostrea species and in its ambience from the tropical estuaries 

      Shenai-Tirodkar, P.; Gauns, M.; Kumar, G.; Ansari, Z.A. (Springer Berlin, 2018)
      This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between physicochemical parameters and heavy metal (Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cd) concentrations from sediment, seawater, and its accumulation in tissues of oyster species (Crassostrea ...
    • Remarkable structural resistance of a nanoflagellate-dominated plankton community to iron fertilization during the Southern Ocean experiment LOHAFEX 

      Schulz, I.; Montresor, M.; Klaas, C.; Assmy, P.; Wolzenburg, S.; Gauns, M.; Sarkar, Amit; Thiele, S.; Wolf-Gladrow, D.; Naqvi, S.W.A.; Smetacek, V. (Inter-Research Science Center, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany, 2018)
      The genesis of phytoplankton blooms and the fate of their biomass in iron-limited, high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll regions can be studied under natural conditions with ocean iron fertilization (OIF) experiments. The Indo-German ...
    • Integrated Geochemical and Morphological Data Provide Insights into the Genesis of Ferromanganese Nodules 

      Benites, M.; Millo, C.; Hein, J.; Nath, B.N.; Murton, B.; Galante, D.; Jovane, L. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute- MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2018)
      Ferromanganese nodules grow by precipitation of metals from seawater and/or sediment pore water. The formation of different genetic types depends on the composition and redox conditions of the water and upper sediment ...
    • Impact of 2015-2016 ENSO on the winter bloom and associated phytoplankton community shift in the northeastern Arabian Sea 

      Vidya, P.J.; Kurian, S. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The present study explores the impact of 2015-16 El-Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the winter phytoplankton bloom in the northeastern Arabian Sea (NEAS). In situ Chlorophyll a (Chla) from the bio-Argo float (2013-2016) ...
    • The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 

      Schlitzer, R.; Anderson, R.F.; Dodas, E.M.; Lohan, M.; Geibert, W.; Tagliabue, A.; Bowie, A.; Jeandel, C.; Maldonado, M.T.; Landing, W.M.; Cockwell, D.; Abadie, C.; Abouchami, W.; Achterberg, E.P.; Agather, A.; Aguliar-Islas, A.; van Aken, H.M.; Andersen, M.; Archer, C.; Auro, M.; DeBaar, H.J.; Baars, O.; Baker, A.R.; Bakker, K.; Basak, C.; Baskaran, M.; Bates, N.R.; Bauch, D.; VanBeek, P.; Behrens, M.K.; Black, E.; Bluhm, K.; Bopp, L.; Bouman, H.; Bowman, K.; Bown, J.; Boyd, P.; Boye, M.; Boyle, E.A.; Branellec, P.; Bridgestock, L.; Brissebrat, G.; Browning, T.; Bruland, K.W.; Brumsack, H.-J.; Brzezinski, M.; Buck, C.S.; Buck, K.N.; Buesseler, K.; Bull, A.; Butler, E.; Cai, P.; Mor, P.C.; Cardinal, D.; Carlson, C.; Carrasco, G.; Casacuberta, N.; Casciotti, K.L.; Castrillejo, M.; Chamizo, E.; Chance, R.; Charette, M.A.; Chaves, J.E.; Cheng, H.; Chever, F.; Christl, M.; Church, T.M.; Closset, I.; Colman, A.; Conway, T.M.; Cossa, D.; Croot, P.; Cullen, J.T.; Cutter, G.A.; Daniels, C.; Dehairs, F.; Deng, F.; Dieu, H.T.; Duggan, B.; Dulaquais, G.; Dumousseaud, C.; Echegoyen-Sanz, Y.; Edwards, R.L.; Ellwood, M.; Fahrbach, E.; Fitzsimmons, J.N.; Russell Flegal, A.; Fleisher, M.Q.; VanDe Flierdt, T.; Frank, M.; Friedrich, J.; Fripiat, F.; Frollje, H.; Galer, S.J.G.; Gamo, T.; Ganeshram, R.S.; Garcia-Orellana, J.; Garcia-Solsona, E.; Gault-Ringold, M.; George, E.; Gerringa, L.J.A.; Gilbert, M.; Godoy, J.M.; Goldstein, S.L.; Gonzalez, S.R.; Grissom, K.; Hammerschmidt, C.; Hartman, A.; Hassler, C.S.; Hathorne, E.C.; Hatta, M.; Hawco, N.; Hayes, C.T.; Heimburger, L.-E.; Helgoe, J.; Heller, M.; Henderson, G.M.; Henderson, P.B.; van Heuven, S.; Ho, P.; Horner, T.J.; Hsieh, Y.-T.; Huang, K.-F.; Humphreys, M.P.; Isshiki, K.; Jacquot, J.E.; Janssen, D.J.; Jenkins, W.J.; John, S.; Jones, E.M.; Jones, J.L.; Kadko, D.C.; Kayser, R.; Kenna, T.C.; Khondoker, R.; Kim, T.; Kipp, L.; Klar, J.K.; Klunder, M.; Kretschmer, S.; Kumamoto, Y.; Laan, P.; Labatut, M.; Lacan, F.; Lam, P.J.; Lambelet, M.; Lamborg, C.H.; LeMoigne, F.A.C.; LeRoy, E.; Lechtenfeld, O.J.; Lee, J.-M.; Lherminier, P.; Little, S.; Lopez-Lora, M.; Lu, Y.; Masque, P.; Mawji, E.; Mcclain, C.R.; Measures, C.; Mehic, S.; Barraqueta, J.-L.M.; van der Merwe, P.; Middag, R.; Mieruch, S.; Milne, A.; Minami, T.; Moffett, J.W.; Moncoiffe, G.; Moore, W.S.; Morris, P.J.; Morton, P.L.; Nakaguchi, Y.; Nakayama, N.; Niedermiller, J.; Nishioka, J.; Nishiuchi, A.; Noble, A.; Obata, H.; Ober, S.; Ohnemus, D.C.; vanOoijen, J.; OSullivan, J.; Owens, S.; Pahnke, K.; Paul, M.; Pavia, F.; Pena, L.D.; Peters, B.; Planchon, F.; Planquette, H.; Pradoux, C.; Puigcorbe, V.; Quay, P.; Queroue, F.; Radic, A.; Rauschenberg, S.; Rehkamper, M.; Rember, R.; Remenyi, T.; Resing, J.A.; Rickli, J.; Rigaud, S.; Rijkenberg, M.J.A.; Rintoul, S.; Robinson, L.F.; Roca-Marti, M.; Rodellas, V.; Roeske, T.; Rolison, J.M.; Rosenberg, M.; Roshan, S.; RutgersVan-derLoeff, M.M.; Ryabenko, E.; Saito, M.A.; Salt, L.A.; Sanial, V.; Sarthou, G.; Schallenberg, C.; Schauer, U.; Scher, H.; Schlosser, C.; Schnetger, B.; Scott, P.; Sedwick, P.N.; Semiletov, I.; Shelley, R.; Sherrell, R.M.; Shiller, A.M.; Sigman, D.M.; Singh, S.K.; Slagter, H.A.; Slater, E.; Smethie, W.M.; Snaith, H.; Sohrin, Y.; Sohst, B.; Sonke, J.E.; Speich, S.; Steinfeldt, R.; Stewart, G.; Stichel, T.; Stirling, C.H.; Stutsman, J.; Swarr, G.J.; Swift, J.H.; Thomas, A.; Thorne, K.; Till, C.P.; Till, R.; Townsend, A.T.; Townsend, E.; Tuerena, R.; Twining, B.S.; Vance, D.; Velazquez, S.; Venchiarutti, C.; Villa-Alfageme, M.; Vivancos, S.M.; Voelker, A.H.L.; Wake, B.; Warner, M.J.; Watson, R.; VanWeerlee, E.; Weigand, A.M.; Weinstein, Y.; Weiss, D.; Wisotzki, A.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Wu, J.; Wu, Y.; Wuttig, K.; Wyatt, N.; Xiang, Y.; Xie, R.C.; Xue, Z.; Yoshikawa, H.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, P.; Zhao, Y.; Zheng, L.; Zheng, X.-Y.; Zieringer, M.; Zimmer, L.A.; Ziveri, P.; Zunino, P.; Zurbrick, C. (Elsevier, 2018)
      The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 (IDP2017) is the second publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains data measured and quality controlled before the end of 2016. The ...
    • Natural diet of the alligator pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus (Bloch, 1785) inhabiting Palk Bay, southeast coast of India 

      Sanaye, S.V; Rivonker, C.U.; Sreepada, R.A.; Ansari, Z.A. (NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2018)
      A total of 56 guts of the alligator pipefish, Syngnathoides biaculeatus collected from Palk Bay, southeast coast of India were analysed for determining its natural diet composition. The gut fullness index as assessed by ...
    • Settlement of non-native Watersipora subtorquata (DeOrbigny, 1852) in artificial collectors deployed in Colombo Port, Sri Lanka 

      Marasinghe, M.M.K.I.; Ranatunga, R.R.M.K.P.; Anil, A.C. (Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre - REABIC, Helsinki, Finland, 2018)
      Sri Lanka has been a key node in the historical maritime �silk route� since the 14th century. Colombo Port, with its strategic location in the Indian Ocean, handles most of the country�s foreign cargo. With increased foreign ...
    • Effect of pH on transport and transformation of Cu-sediment complexes in mangrove systems 

      Jayachandran, S.; Chakraborty, P.; Ramteke, D.; Chennuri, K.; Chakraborty, S. (Elsevier, 2018)
      Impact of pH variation of overlying water column on transport and transformation of Cu-sediment complexes in the bottom mangrove sediments was investigated by using different metal extraction studies. The total Cu concentration ...