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dc.contributor.authorSanilKumar, V.
dc.contributor.authorDeo, M.C.
dc.contributor.authorAnand, N.M.
dc.contributor.authorChandramohan, P.
dc.identifier.citationOcean Engineering, Vol.26; 83-98p.
dc.description.abstractWave directional spreading in shallow water is described in this paper. Waves were measured for a period of two months using the Datawell directional waverider buoy at 15m water depth on the east coast of India in the Bay of Bengal. The study also showed that in shallow water wave directional spreading was narrowest at peak frequency and widened towards lower and higher frequencies. The wind directionwas found to deviate from the wave direction during most of the time. The unidirectional spectrum was found to be satisfacorily represented by Scott spectra
dc.rightsCopyright [1999]. All efforts have been made to respect the copyright to the best of our knowledge. Inadvertent omissions, if brought to our notice, stand for correction and withdrawal of document from this repository.
dc.subjectwave direction
dc.subjectdirectional spectra
dc.subjectwave direction sensors
dc.subjectwave frequency
dc.subjectwind direction
dc.titleEstimation of wave directional spreading in shallow water
dc.typeJournal Article

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